Ask Lal10: How do you get reviews from your customers?

Ask Lal10: How do you get reviews from your customers?
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In the world of B2B, customer feedback and reviews are crucial for building a strong brand reputation, improving products and services, and ultimately driving growth. However, getting reviews from your customers can be challenging, particularly in a B2B context where the sales cycle is longer and the customer base may be more niche. To effectively gather feedback and reviews from your B2B customers, it's important to develop a strategy that includes a variety of methods and touchpoints, such as surveys, in-person meetings, online review platforms, and social media. By proactively seeking out feedback from your customers, you can improve customer satisfaction, retention, and ultimately drive growth for your business.

Why is it important to take reviews from customers?

  • Improve customer satisfaction:
In the B2B market, customer satisfaction is crucial for business success. Reviews and feedback from customers can help B2B companies identify areas for improvement and take necessary actions to enhance customer satisfaction. By analyzing customer feedback, businesses can identify pain points and prioritize improvements that will have the most significant impact on customer satisfaction. These improvements could be related to product features, customer service, delivery times, pricing, or any other aspect of the customer experience.
Improving customer satisfaction not only helps retain existing customers but also attracts new ones. When customers are happy with their experience, they are more likely to recommend the business to others and become loyal customers. This, in turn, can lead to increased revenue and business growth.
  • Identify areas of strength:
Reviews and feedback also highlight areas where B2B companies excel. This knowledge can be leveraged for marketing and sales efforts to promote unique selling points and differentiate from competitors. B2B companies can use positive reviews to showcase their strengths and competitive advantages in advertising, on their website, or on social media platforms.
By highlighting their unique selling points, B2B companies can attract new customers and retain existing ones. For example, if a B2B company receives positive reviews for its excellent customer service, it can highlight this strength in its marketing campaigns to attract new customers who value excellent customer service.
  • Build trust and credibility:
Reviews and feedback from satisfied customers help build credibility and trust in a B2B brand. These reviews can be shared on social media, review sites, and even on the company's website to showcase their strengths and commitment to customer satisfaction.
By providing social proof of customer satisfaction, B2B companies can attract new customers and retain existing ones. Positive reviews and feedback help build trust and credibility in a brand, which is crucial in a competitive market. Customers are more likely to do business with a company that has a strong reputation for customer satisfaction.
  • Drive sales and revenue:
Positive reviews and feedback from happy customers can influence purchasing decisions of prospective customers. They serve as testimonials and endorsements that can help B2B businesses win new customers and drive revenue growth. When prospective customers read positive reviews from satisfied customers, they are more likely to trust the company and choose to do business with them.
Moreover, reviews and feedback can help businesses identify their most valuable customers, which can help with customer retention efforts. By identifying their most valuable customers, B2B companies can tailor their marketing and sales efforts to meet their needs and keep them satisfied.
  • Identify opportunities for innovation: Reviews and feedback from B2B customers can be a valuable source of information for identifying unmet needs or pain points in the market. By analyzing this feedback, B2B companies can gather ideas for new products or services that can help them stay ahead of their competitors. These insights can also help them to make improvements to their existing offerings and provide a better customer experience.
  • Foster customer loyalty: Engaging with customers through review requests and responding to their feedback can build a stronger relationship with them. By showing that their feedback is valued and taken seriously, B2B companies can increase customer loyalty and encourage repeat business. Additionally, addressing customer complaints and issues can turn dissatisfied customers into loyal ones.
  • Enhance brand image: B2B companies that actively seek out and use customer reviews and feedback are perceived as customer-centric and transparent. This can enhance their brand image and reputation in the market. Sharing positive customer feedback on their website, social media, or review sites can also improve their credibility and attract new customers.

Ways to get customer reviews:

In today's competitive business landscape, customer feedback and reviews are more important than ever before. They provide valuable insights into customer needs, preferences, and pain points, helping businesses improve their products and services to stay ahead of the competition. As a result, many companies, including those in the B2B sector, are actively seeking ways to collect reviews and feedback from their customers. In this context, it is crucial to understand the various methods and platforms available to collect customer reviews and leverage their benefits for business growth.
Here are some ways companies use to get reviews from their customers.


The firm can use gamification techniques to encourage customers to provide feedback. For example, they can offer rewards or incentives for completing surveys or leaving reviews.
Slack: Slack used gamification to encourage users to provide feedback on the app's new features. They introduced a "Game of Flows" where users could compete with each other to complete certain tasks and provide feedback on their experience with the new features.


The firm can engage customers in the co-creation process, where they collaborate with customers to design and deliver products and services that meet their specific needs. This approach not only provides feedback but also strengthens the relationship with the customer.
Adobe: Adobe used co-creation to engage with their customers and gather feedback on new products. They launched a program called "Adobe Creative Residency" where they collaborated with artists and designers to create new products that meet their specific needs.

AI Chatbots:

The firm can use AI-powered chatbots to engage with customers and gather feedback on their experience. Chatbots can provide a more personalized experience and be available 24/7.
Hootsuite: Hootsuite uses AI-powered chatbots to engage with customers and gather feedback on their experience with the platform. The chatbots can answer questions and provide support, as well as gather feedback on the customer's experience.
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User Testing:

The firm can conduct user testing with customers to gather feedback on new products or services before they are launched. This approach allows the firm to get direct feedback from customers and make improvements before the product is released.
HubSpot: HubSpot uses user testing to gather feedback on new products and features. They have a program called "Beta Testing" where customers can sign up to test new products and provide feedback on their experience.
HubSpot: HubSpot uses a variety of methods to gather feedback from its customers, including surveys, in-app feedback, and user testing. The company has a dedicated team that analyzes the feedback and uses it to improve its products and services. By gathering feedback from its customers, HubSpot has been able to improve user experience, increase customer satisfaction, and stay ahead of its competitors.

Customer Journey Mapping:

The firm can use customer journey mapping to understand the customer's experience at different touchpoints with the firm's design and delivery process. This approach allows the firm to identify areas where the customer experience can be improved.
Google: Google uses customer journey mapping to understand the customer's experience at different touchpoints with their products and services. By identifying areas where the customer experience can be improved, Google has been able to make changes that have improved overall customer satisfaction.

Customer Advisory Boards:

The firm can establish a customer advisory board consisting of select customers who can provide feedback and guidance on the firm's products, services, and overall strategy.
Salesforce: Salesforce uses a customer advisory board to gather feedback on their products and services. By working closely with their customers, Salesforce has been able to develop products that meet their specific needs and improve overall customer satisfaction. Salesforce has a dedicated Customer Success team that works closely with customers to gather feedback and provide support. The company also uses social media and online review platforms to gather feedback and reviews from its customers. By listening to its customers and responding to their needs, Salesforce has been able to increase customer retention and grow its business.

Net Promoter Score (NPS):

The firm can use NPS surveys to measure customer loyalty and gauge overall satisfaction. NPS surveys ask customers to rate the likelihood of them recommending the firm to others on a scale of 0-10.
IBM: IBM uses Net Promoter Score (NPS) surveys to measure customer loyalty and satisfaction. By tracking NPS scores over time, IBM has been able to identify areas where they need to improve and make changes to improve the customer experience.


The firm can conduct surveys through email or online platforms to gather feedback from their customers. Surveys can be designed to cover different aspects of the customer's experience, such as the quality of service, the delivery process, communication, and overall satisfaction.
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Dropbox Business: Dropbox Business uses in-app feedback and surveys to gather feedback from its customers. The company also has a dedicated Customer Advocacy team that works closely with customers to address their concerns and provide support. By gathering feedback from its customers, Dropbox Business has been able to improve its products and services, increase customer satisfaction, and stay ahead of its competitors.
Zoom: Zoom uses online review platforms and social media to gather feedback and reviews from its customers. The company also conducts user testing and surveys to gather feedback on new features and products. By listening to its customers and responding to their needs, Zoom has been able to improve its products and services, increase customer satisfaction, and grow its business.
Overall, these B2B brands have gained numerous benefits from gathering feedback and reviews from their customers. By listening to their customers and addressing their needs and concerns, these companies have been able to improve their products and services, increase customer satisfaction and retention, and grow their businesses.